Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bobbin Wraps

I was the lucky winner of a drawing on the Quilting Gallery blog a couple weeks ago. I won these bobbin wraps from LoveBug Studios. Ebony Love of Illinois sent them to me. I chose the size to wrap around the "M" size bobbins on my Gammill Classic, but they are available in three sizes.

The purpose, of course, is to tame those thread ends that sneak off your wound bobbins and follow you around the room or misbehave with other thread ends to form a tangle. I often have leftover bobbins after long-arming, because I wind as many as I predict that I will need for a project. Sometimes I overestimate. I use the leftover bobbins for charity quilt projects or to baste the quilt sandwich on the machine.

Thanks, Ebony!

This week's drawing is for some hand-dyed fabric from my blogging friend, Vicki Welsh, of Field Trips in Fiber. Sure would like to be a double winner!


  1. I love reading your blog. I'm having trouble finding these same clear bobbin wraps on the LoveBug website. Can you post a more direct link or tell me more of where to find them. Thanks!

  2. Sorry for the trouble! Here's a link to those pesky bobbin wraps:

    Thanks for the feature by the way!
