Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wednesday Work-in-Progress: Little Girl Quilt

I managed to sneak one of my own quilts on to the machine the other day. This top is typical of the type of piecing I am doing these days...squares, four-patches, occasionally a double square...easy peasy. This one has a couple hearts machine-appliqued on the larger blocks.

I used a variegated Signature cotton thread called Tie Dye, and did some free-motion quilting with flowers, loops, and hearts.

In the block below, I chose to do "floral enhancement."

The back looks like patchwork, too. I probably should have used this for some "faux patchwork" on a border or charity quilt. But the colors go so well with the top. I hope to finish the binding and label today.

Here is a tip from my personal experience: check the pockets of your pants before loading the laundry in the washing machine. My failure to do that resulted in a clean, shiny cell phone that had to be replaced. It actually still worked after going through the wash, but the display screen was too faint to see. Now I have a cheapo black phone instead of my shiny purple one, but I got away with less than thirty-five dollars to pay for that little boo-boo. And I am not a big cell phone user since I am home most of the time. Actually, this one is easier for me to operate with less confusing buttons.
Here is another tip: I went to Michael's Craft store yesterday. All their Prismacolor pencils and Strathmore art sketchpads and paper were on sale for 50% off.


  1. Beautiful quilt, delightful colors, lovely fabrics, and excellent quilting. Very inspirational.

    Thanks for sharing.


  2. Oh, you are not supposed to wash cell phones?
