Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Quilting for Little Girls

Just finished up two more "girly" quilts for a new customer's granddaughters. Can you believe these are her first two quilts? She should enter a "My First Quilt" competition. Both are from the same pattern, made with very charming Moda floral fabrics. And both have scalloped edges! I never tried a scalloped edge until I had been quilting for more than twenty-five years.

I would advise anyone contemplating a scalloped edge to mark the scallops prior to quilting, but cut them after. It was a little hard to baste down those curvy edges.

On the next quilt, I remembered that I have basting spray, so I used that to hold down the scalloped edges. This worked great- much less fullness and rippling to tame.

I also thought it would be helpful to put a design that followed the curve around the outer border, so I did a quick informal feather.

The rest is all swirls, flowers, leaves, and hearts. My favorite kind of quilting again!


  1. You really have been "all things quilty" lately! Very beautiful quilts ... lucky babies!

  2. Nice quilting, Jeanne. I like the fabric and the scolloped border!

  3. wow,amazing quilts ...
    I like the fabrics and the colors...

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  4. I love the whimsical quilting...perfect for those quilts. She did a beautiful job with fabrics and piecing.
