Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Quilt for Lacy

I finished one of my own quilts yesterday. Yes, for a baby girl great-niece, Lacy.

This is another Yellow Brick Road quilt, with some of my favorite fabrics. There are two different hummingbird fabricssome coordinated fabrics from a pack I bought at a quilt show, and some of my last hand-dyed fabric, which was supposed to be scarlet but looks like salmon or light coral to me.

I referred to Suzanne Earley's Meandering Magic book again, and used a Hearts and Ribbons meander. I had some space in between the meanders that I filled in with feathers, flowers, and of course, the baby's name, Lacy.

Since her name is Lacy, she had to have something lacy on her about this eyelet lace ruffle? Nice and soft. I found it at Mary Jo's Cloth Store a couple weeks ago.

The back fabric looks like a hand-dye, but it's not. I love this soft color.

Now to make the label, and it will be ready for my precious new niece to cuddle.


  1. That is beautiful. I love the meandering.

  2. Wow! Lacy's quilt is so beautiful; it brought tears to my eyes! Thank you so much; it really means a lot to us that you made this special quilt for her. You are so talented! We can't wait to use it.
