Friday, June 5, 2009

Symposium Report #3: Quilt Show

The North Carolina Quilt Symposium last weekend is continuing to provide plenty of blog material. Today I will show some photographs from the Quilt Show, whose theme was Raleigh, City of Oaks. They are in no particular order. More to come in later posts!
Here is the raffle quilt, designed by Mary Corcoran, pieced and appliqued by members of Capital Quilters Guild, and quilted by Cathy Kirk.

I can't determine the name or maker of this delightful quilt. Can anyone help me?

Favorite Flowers in My Garden, by Kim Skelding, 58 x 72

Carolina Girl, by Elizabeth Kelbaugh, 35.25 x 36.5

Burning Oranges, by Carolyn Sweet, 45 x 46.5

Angel's Trumpets, by Roxanne Lessa, 33 x 24, Honorable Mention Studio Art Quilt.

Ancient Beauty, by Patricia Powers, 12 x 12, 3rd place Studio Art Quilt.

African Rhythms, by Kathy Hefner, Jane Hall, Mary Corcoran, Tama Brooks, Marlene Royce, Sonja LaBorde, and Margaret Jordan, 56 x 70, Second Place, Mixed/Other Group Quilt
Circles I, by Kim Frisk, 34 x 44, Best Machine Quilting and 3rd Place, Studio Art Quilt
Hidden Depths, by Darlene Silverman, quilted by Cathy Kirk, 87 x 96, Honorable Mention, Duet Quilts, and Viewer's Choice Award

Lots of great talent represented here!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jeanne. The opportunity quilt was really pretty. You photographed some of my favorites here. Loved Jean's little chocolate bunnies quilt, too. Really, really cute.
    I haven't been sewing much the last three weeks. I signed up for a physical fitness bootcamp that starts at 5:15 in the morning every day and it's all I can do to get through the day!! lol.
