Friday, June 26, 2009

More Yellow Brick Road...and a little watercolor

I made some more Yellow Brick Road quilt blocks yesterday in preparation for my bee's Sew-In day on July 9. We are going to meet at our LQS, Quilts Like Crazy, here in Wake Forest. Donna got hold of a large box of donated fabric from the guild, which we divided up at our last meeting. I chose the black fabric with polka dots and bows, as well as the white background fabric with little posies. Going through my stash, I was surprised to see how many polka dot fabrics I had!

When I was at the bookstore the other day, I browsed the sale racks and picked up a beginner's kit for watercolor painting. It seemed like a good deal with instruction book, paintbrushes, palette, watercolor paper, tubes of paint, watercolor paper, etc.
I made some color tint charts yesterday to get going.

I have been carrying a little journal of watercolor pages around with me. Granddaughter Lily has enjoyed "coloring" in it with my watercolor pencils a few times at restaurants. I have later gone back and added in some color to make a little something out of her scribbles. These are fun little color pages.

Between learning PhotoShop, working with my Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain book, and working on watercolors, I am devoting a lot of time to learning new skills! Not to mention I decided I better start earning some credits to renew my teaching license. I will begin an Internet class sponsored by the North Carolina Museum of History on July 1. This one is on North Carolina geography.
I was walking Maggy down the street yesterday when I noticed we were not the only ones out for a walk.
Their pond is just to the left of the signpost and they made a beeline for it when Jaws of Death got a little closer.

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