Monday, May 25, 2009

Misty Mountains

We had another great mountain trip. The weather held off most of Saturday, and the kids enjoyed fishing in the pond and splashing in the creek. Here are two of my great nieces having fun with nothing more than a plastic grocery bag at the creek. That's Anna on the receiving end of the shower from Hunter.
After all the kids left on Sunday, Charlie finally learned how to operate the backhoe that we own half of. He successfully dug out a stump while my sister's dog, Fred, watched "Uncle Charlie" nervously.
Our "bonus day" was mostly showers and rain. The road down the mountain was shrouded in mist.

This is the lake at a church conference center on Darnell Woody Road. Very mysterious in the mist!

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't get any cooler than owning your own peice of construction equipment!
