Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desperately Seeking Sandra

I have mailed off two of the blogiversary prizes from my drawing, "Come With Me to the Islands."

The third prize is still waiting for its owner, Sandra, to claim it. I have no way to contact her since she did not leave a last name, email, or blog in her comment.

If I do not hear from Sandra by Tuesday, I will draw another winner for the Tropical Island fabric postcard.
Are you seeing signs of spring where you live? It is so beautiful here this morning that I would love to stay home all day and play in my yard.

The azalea and dogwood are in bloom, along with lots of other spring blossoms. Even the rose bushes have buds. It is so breezy today that it was hard to take a photo.A pair of bluebirds has produced a bumper crop of eggs in their nesting box. I don't know that we have ever had five eggs in the same brood.

Our bluebird box has a hinged door that you can open to view the nest. Today, Mama and Papa Bluebird were very unhappy when I opened the door. I was being dive-bombed as I tried to take the picture. Usually they just fly off to a nearby tree and watch. They are probably my second-favorite songbirds.

When we were working in the yard last weekend, I decided to hang my hummingbird feeder just to see how long it would take to spot the first hummer. Charlie spotted a male on the feeder about an hour later. I guess they were waiting for me! I saw the female the next day. And when I got home from school yesterday, there was a cherry red house finch sipping from the sugary water in the feeder.

On the way home, I saw a pair of Canada Geese walking down the street with one little gosling tootling along behind. They were pretty far from any of the ponds on the street. Maybe just out enjoying the weather!

I hope it is a beautiful day where you live.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jeanne. I've never seen a gosling - I see the geese all the time. How cute. YES isn't this weather delicious? We finally took the entire top off my jeep. So if you see me riding around town topless - please turn the other way!
