Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Bit of Springtime

Heading to the North Carolina mountains again this weekend. I will leave you with a bit of spring from my yard here in Wake Forest...
and a magic link to bring you instant springtime where you live, even if there is snow on the ground...
And don't forget to leave a comment on my April 3 post to enter the Come to the Islands Tropical Give-Away! The drawing will be April 14, so leave a comment before midnight on April 13. Be sure to leave your e-mail address if you are not a blogger. I have gotten several lovely comments from people that I have no way to contact. Check back on Tuesday, April 14!

1 comment:

  1. Hasn't the weather been lovely? Hope you are finding time to drink in the sunshine (well, maybe not today, tomorrow, or Wednesday, but I'm sure it will be back soon)!
