Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wednesday Works-in-Progress

Remember the Trash to Treasure project that started with a garbage bag? I have completed two more steps. I zigzagged with alternating length and width using variegated thread, and cut away some holes.

This project is interesting, but I am not sure where I am going from one step to the next. We were supposed to use Ferrero Roche gold candy wrappers in the next step, but they are not on the South Beach diet! I painted some paper with metallic gold Lumiere to be ready for whatever we do with it.
One of my trash bag pieces was so large that I cut it up. No need to have a big ol' trash bag to manipulate under the needle.

My guild is hosting the North Carolina Quilt Symposium in May, and we are being asked to enter the Pursesonality challenge- making a purse out of something unusual. I am thinking- how about a garbage bag?

At the same time, I am enrolled in this online art quilt class with Pamela Allen. (Still Life is Boring-Not!) Here is my first lesson, previously posted.
Pamela suggested that I change the orientation of my kitchen scene to highlight the tall kitchen windows. In order to do that, I had to paint some more window-pane fabric. Next I need to make Betty Lou, the schefflera, much grander in size thanks to all that sunlight.

One thing I love about Pamela's classes is the art history education she throws in. She often finds a famous artist's work to compare to ours. This time I got a Picasso. Not that the subject is the same, but she converted it to gray-scale for me to check out the play of light and shadow from the window.

Maybe it is just me, but does anyone else see a Frankenstein head in this scene?


  1. I think a trash bag handbag is a great idea!

  2. I think I have some of those wrappers saved upstairs ... I'll put some in the mail to you if I can find them! I like where this is going...definitely fodder for a purse. Frankenstein...yeah, I see it!
