Friday, January 30, 2009

The Purple Purse

Here is a fancy purse that I made using directions from the Needle-Felting Magic book by Margo Duke.
Hers was green and blue. I used purples and blue-greens because I happened to have three yards of hand-dyed silk ribbon in those shades to use as embellishment. You can see the ribbon going diagonally down the purse, and also used to make ribbon rosettes.

This one has a muslin base, to which I needle-punched fabrics in my color combination. All the raw edges then have yarn or roving needle-felted down. Then the fun of adding yarn pinwheels and other embellishments.

Then you have to do some machine-quilting, which I did in a shiny magenta rayon thread, with lots of swirls and floral motifs. After that, some beading and some larger ribbon flowers were done by hand.

Like every purse and bag pattern I have tried, I had some problems with these instructions. Namely: how to put in the magnetic snap. The snap package says "See pattern directions." The pattern directions were not specific enough for me. Which way are you supposed to bend the prongs? In toward the snap, or out? And are you supposed to put in the bracket-looking metal piece that came with it? I didn't.

This bag has a bright pink swirly cotton lining and a purple pocket in three sections. One is large enough for my cell phone.

I really enjoyed making this purse and will probably make another. Next time I will know not to bead and embellish all the way to the edge of the base fabric, because when you cut out the purse pattern, some of the extra stuff is too close to the bottom or seam. And I would move the snap up higher because it is right above the pocket.

I'm also not too sure about all that extra roving hanging from the edge of the strap. Should I whack it off?

I will probably keep this purse for myself, since I have several purple items in my wardrobe, but will probably make some more.


  1. Okay, you are going a bit crazy here now, Jeanne. Every time I visit you are up to no good. You're starting to make us look bad with all your experiments, and embellishing, and doodling, etc., etc., etc. Hey, did you hear we may be in for a bit more snow Tuesday??? Oh I hope so.
    Love this purse.

  2. love the purse! I would keep it for myself, too. It's beautiful.

  3. Great purse, Jeanne. I love the colors! I, too, have a couple of those magnetic purse closings that I decided not to bother with as the directions were scary!
