Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Weird Weather

Yesterday I went for my morning walk at 10:00. It was sunny and cool, but it felt good with no hat or mittens, just a jacket. After my errands, I came out of the grocery store and it was snowing like crazy! I got home and ran for the camera. To the left of my house, the sky looked like this:

To the right, this was the sky:

Well, I thought that was the fastest snow storm to ever pass through. But throughout the afternoon, we continued to experience snow showers. The snow was blowing horizontally as the winds picked up.

Then it cleared again. We had a gorgeous sunset with salmon and purple lines of clouds.
Yesterday I almost finished the project with the patchwork houses. I also added a couple more pages to my journal, which I will show since I have had several nice comments about them. I even got an e-mail from quilt artist Pamela Allen complimenting my feather sampler. That made my day!

For this page, I just grabbed one of the sketching pencils and filled up the page. Mistake- I should not have used the soft "B" pencil, because my hand smudged the drawings.

Yesterday, I picked up a new pack of colored pencils at the grocery store to try out. They are Crayola Twistables. The lead retracts to keep the tips covered when not in use, and you can twist them to get more lead instead of sharpening. The pack had 12 pretty colors. I thought this would be a good set to put with a portable journal.

1 comment:

  1. Love "twistable" pencils. You can get such a great depth of color with them. We've used them for many years. We just had to go outside yesterday when I looked out the window (while drying my hair) and saw the snow. Toby and Gizmo played frisbee in the snowshowers - it was quite a site - sun shining in parts and grizzly clouds dropping snow.
