Friday, November 21, 2008

More Snow

Yesterday was filled with so much activity that I don't think I listened to the news all day. So I was surprised this morning to look out the window at 7:15 and see snow falling and covering the deck, trees, and plants.
I am hopeful that my next-door neighbors might actually put away their deflated swimming pool that has been occupying their side yard since Labor Day.

This is unreal for our little piece of the South, where we often do not see a flake all winter. This is our second snow of the week. Since then the sun has come out and the snow is melting fast, turning the tree branches to sparkling crystal.

I'm not too sure how my job interview went yesterday, but would be interested if it comes through. The school follows the year-round calendar, a popular concept in this system. The classroom teachers have three weeks off every nine weeks, and there are four different tracks rotating between being in school or tracking out. This job position would not track out, and would last until June 30. That actually sounds appealing since it would offer more earning opportunity.

I spent two hours in the ophthalmologist's office yesterday. Surprise- after seven years I needed a new prescription. I love the frames I have had for ten years, but decided I was due for a new pair of glasses. Merry Christmas to me!

The shopping expedition was wildly successful, squeezed in between appointments. I caught some great sales and discounts. Don't start throwing things at your computer, but I am almost finished with my Christmas shopping!

Our dinner last night at the Cafe Capistrano was terrific. If you are in the Raleigh area, I highly recommend it! The ingredients are fresh and the flavor is fantastic.

Our guild meeting with speaker Mary Stori was wonderful! Mary is just a delight, very humorous, yet inspiring to follow your heart in your quilting. I had commented on her blog that we were so happy that she would be filling in for Ami Simms. She wrote me a nice email and asked me to come by and introduce myself. So I did, and got a nice hug from this lovely lady. I think she is happy in the North Carolina mountains, so I hope that we North Carolina quilters will be seeing a lot more of this national teacher at our quilting events. Mary brought a ton of quilts with her, and it was fun to see all her embellishments.

I had my camera with me last night, but did not even think to take any pictures. Please visit Mary's website to see some pictures of her quilts.

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