Monday, November 17, 2008

Change of Seasons

This weekend I had planned to stay home while DH went to the mountains for opening day of black powder (muzzle-loader) deer season. However, my sister called Thursday night and said she would be going, and this would be her last chance until Christmas. So, at the last minute, I decided to accompany my husband.

The weather had been rainy here at home Thursday and Friday, and it was like pea soup as we ascended the mountain in the fog. Saturday morning began with rain, but by the afternoon the sun poked its way through the clouds. I was doing a little patchwork on my tiny sewing machine in the cabin when I decided the sunlight was just about right for some late afternoon shots of the photography kind. While the guys are hunting, I limit my walks to the area around the cabin, creek and pond. Look at all the bare trees! A big change from my last trip back in October.
This is a view of the pond from my yard. Some day we will clear out some of these skinny trees so we have a better view.

As I walked around the pond, I noticed the sunlight creating slats of light and shadow across the pond.

I also liked the look of the sun dappling the rocks and grass near the dam on the creek.

And reflecting on the water.

After all the rain, there was a lot of COLD water spilling over the dam.

I noticed a little spot of color across the street from the dam, and zoomed in on this little red shrub.
About an hour later, the weather turned bitter cold and windy. My husband had a successful day, shooting an 8-point buck that was about as big as he is. I'm not sure how he picked it up and got it in the Gator. My nephew also shot an 8-pointer, so the guys were all pleased with themselves. There was a little dusting of snow that night.

My father came over for dinner, and we had a lot company with my brother-in-law's family also visiting. We did not get home until about eight o'clock Sunday night. I have a message to call a school about a teaching job, so I guess I better get my act together.


  1. Sounds like a lovely weekend. Love how you found beauty inspite of the bare trees and murky colors. What beautiful photos!

  2. Looks so peaceful--the woods getting ready for the big hibernation. Good thing you went--if you get the job, it might be your last chance before Christmas, too.

    Hope the job is just what you want.
