Saturday, October 25, 2008

Working Hard

Charlie and I went out on this rainy morning to get some decorations for next Saturday's pig-picking. They were just unloading these pumpkins and mums off the truck at a produce stand. Our trees are just starting to turn color in the woods, so by next Saturday, it should be very pretty.
Yesterday, good progress was made on the wood floors. He almost finished the living room and foyer. Not Scary Tattoo Guy, but a young man who looks strikingly like my nephew Donnie. I like the new wood even better than the defective first product we tried.
I got to work in the kitchen. I primed and painted the new baseboard, and repaired the paint in some areas where the chair rail was moved. I sealed the new backsplash tile and grout. It brought out some more tones in the tile and looks great. I am glad I had it installed "on point."

Now for the bad part. We are having one hundred people over one week from today, and this is what every room looks like.
We have got to do some major putting away of all this stuff. I will happy for my home to be livable again. The floors should be finished on Monday.


  1. I think you are going to be very busy this week!

  2. Oo, I love that floor!

    Looks like it's time to hire a couple of teen-age girls to come in after school and help you clean up! I don't expect we'll be seeing much of you this week. Good luck!
