Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wednesday Wall-in-Progress

Ha-ha, no Wednesday quilt work in progress today. But the dining room wall is looking much better than it did yesterday! The green paint touch-up matched pretty well, but I still need to go back and work on it a bit. I had success in finding a matching baseboard from a mill work company in Raleigh. Isn't the Internet a wonderful thing? Ten years ago I would have driven fifty miles or more, carrying my little sample board and trying to find a match. This company had templates of all their baseboard mouldings on the web, and I just had to send Charlie in to have the piece cut on his way home from work. Getting it to fit exactly in the same spot was a drill that required many trips in and out of the house to sand a little, saw a little... Anyway, now I need to prime and paint this piece.

Yesterday I primed and painted about thirty of these long pieces of quarter-round moulding, which will go along the edge of the new wood floors. Here is what I rigged up to paint them: I called them my redneck sawhorses. Two Wal-Mart plastic chairs were perfect, since the molding could rest in the top grooves. An old porch chair and kitchen ladder also worked.

And here is my drying rack in the garage: the mouldings were perched on top of drink cases and paper towel cases from Sam's Club.
While I was doing all this painting yesterday, the mailman showed up with the paints I really want to be using: some gorgeous, shiny Stewart Gill paints and mica flakes and some shiny film. Maybe some day soon!

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