Saturday, August 2, 2008

Batman Movie...and Technical Difficulties

We went to see the new Batman movie at the IMAX in Raleigh yesterday. The Dark Knight is fast-moving, lots of action, very violent! And quite an experience watching it on the huge screen. Heath Ledger was phenomenal as the Joker. This is not a cute Superhero movie for the kids- but very engrossing for adults. And confusing! Lots of plot twists.

The rest of this weekend my focus will be on the sewing studio move... maybe this is the weekend I'll "get'er done!"

I also experienced my first technical difficulties with my blog, which would not open on Internet Explorer from last night until just now. Viewers received a message that "Internet Explorer could not open the site, Operation Aborted. " By going to the Google Help site, I found that someone else had solved their problem by removing Site Meter, the counter that keeps track of visitors and page views. As soon as I removed the Site Meter code from the page, it came back. So sorry for the inconvenience!

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