Today, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, sit back, and enjoy a virtual road trip to Cedar Creek Gallery in Creedmoor, North Carolina. Three of us from the Whacky Ladies Quilt Bee decided to take in the National Teapot Exhibit. The gallery is a pleasant drive north of Raleigh, and is located on a woodsy lot surrounded by gardens, sculpture, and out-buildings that look like old barns.
The gardens would have been worth the trip by themselves. They have a garden shop with many unusual varieties that you can't find in the local big box stores. We all loaded up with pots of greenery to take home. Normally, planting in August in North Carolina is the kiss of death, but rain was predicted for the next day. I will just have to remember to water them until they get established.
Do you see the little fan of colored plastic strips? That is the price code for the plants. Each plant has a colored plastic strip to mark the price. I loved this system- very easy to determine the price, and a little artistry to boot.
Everywhere you look at Cedar Creek, there is something to delight the senses. Here are some scenes from the gardens.
Iron sculpture added interest to the garden areas.
This one is a bittern.
How about this magnificent blue heron?
What are these things? They look like tentacles from some alien species.
We had to check these birdies out to see if they were gourds. Nope, they are pottery. Feels like terra cotta. This is one of the outbuildings, beautified by mirrors that are framed with rusted tin in artistic patterns.
When we finally dragged ourselves out of the garden, there was more eye candy in the gallery.
The displays were delightfully arranged on antique furniture, old metal wood-burning stoves, a fireplace hearth, and even hanging from the ceiling. Okay, on to the reason for the trip: the National Teapot Exhibit. You could find teapots made from many materials, including of course pottery, but also metal, wood, fiber, and here is one made of fabric for the quilters among us: Do you have a favorite among these? There was a Viewer's Choice ballot, just like at quilt shows. I voted for the red one on the right, titled "Stone Prancer." I liked the sense of movement on this piece.
Did you enjoy this virtual visit? All of the teapots are for sale. There are many more than I could share with you here. Visit the Cedar Creek Gallery by Website to see them all!
Now, like this teapot, it is time for me to Tiptoe Truda Treelips!
I love teapots but have never allowed myself to collect them - I collect enough stuff. but if I were to start I'd get that spiny fish!