Thursday, May 8, 2008

Getting in a Beachy Kind of Mood

Last night, it was so cool and beautiful outside that DH and I spent a few hours on the front porch. We caught the last of the sunset, and watched the bluebirds and hummingbirds. We have one bluebird house that has four eggs inside, but they don't look like bluebird eggs. Of course, no one went in the house while we were watching. When the crescent moon came out, it looked just like the smile of the elusive Cheshire cat.

Sitting on the porch with a nice breeze made us long for our upcoming week at Sunset Beach, NC.
We always go and stay in the same house in June. It is now one month away. I can hardly wait! As much as I love the mountains, it is very therapeutic to spend a whole week by the sea. This year we will be leaving the day after my last day of school.

Maybe I will have time soon to work on some other projects. We are staying home this weekend, so if I can get the house straightened and some weeds pulled outside, I might get some sewing done.

Tonight my quilt bee, The Whacky Ladies, meets. Always fun and inspiring!

Finally, happy birthday to my wonderful, generous, beautiful sister Katy. Love you, girl!

My Dad, sister Katy, and me at Katy's son's wedding April 26


  1. In June you leave for the beach - we leave for the Mountains (of Colorado!!) July should bring about the fruit of lots of creative energy (after returning from our trips!)

  2. Beach week can't get here soon enough. The countdown is on!!!!!!!!

  3. Just getting caught up on reading your blog and happened on a birthday greeting to ME! Thanks for that sweet surprise. Love you!
