Saturday, March 29, 2008


Ha-ha! I am having way too much fun doing this project for my online class, Think Like an Artist with Pamela Allen. This one is not even "glue-stick" basted down yet. I keep changing my mind about it! Someone in the group asked if the bird was a sea gull...yup, it looks like one, but that does not make sense in the context of the rolling hills/woods. Maybe that is why there is such a surprised look? I am thinking of changing the bird to an owl, wild turkey, grouse, or something that might be in the North Carolina mountains. Actually, I started with a bluebird, but Pamela suggested that a bluebird on the shoulder might be a bit "twee." She cracks me up.

In this workshop, all the quilt elements are cut freehand with scissors. No drawing, no patterns. Then you embroider all the elements to the batting/backing. After that, you machine quilt and embellish. No borders! While intimidating at first, this technique is really freeing, because you do not have to be realistic. I like the element of humor that can be injected into the quilt!

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