Sunday, February 24, 2008

What's in Bloom?

Here is evidence that spring is not far away here in the North Carolina piedmont:
One does not normally associate maple trees with blossoms, as they are known more for their fiery display of autumn foliage. But my two red maples are in bloom with lovely red flowers. They are not very showy from a distance, but quite pretty up close.
Here is my first pink camellia. And first daffodil!

How about a nice little cluster of crocus?
I planted a little four-inch pot of rosemary a few years ago, which is now a nice shrub that winters over. It's blooming, too.
When we moved in our house, fourteen years ago, there were no trees in the front yard. Here is a Southern magnolia and a river birch that I planted when they were each about four feet tall. They are facing my neighbor's yard in this photo.

And finally, here is the hemlock tree I planted next to the house on the north side. They normally grow in the mountains where it is much cooler and shadier, but this one has done well in the shade of the house. The little window on top is my new sewing room. I can look down from there and see birds in the hemlock and river birch trees.

Rosemary shrub

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