Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Two More Fabric Postcards



Both of these cards were constructed the same way. I fused a fabric base to a piece of Timtex, a stiff interfacing. Then I fused a laundry sheet pre-painted with metallic Lumiere paints, using Misty Fuse. Then I had fun adding either bits of ribbon or bits of foil and some Angelina fibers. Since the dryer sheets were kind of "holy" after painting, everything was fused to the same base of Misty Fuse (covering with parchment paper.) I stitched through everything with metallic threads, using decorative stitches on my machine. Then, out with the heat gun for a little blast of melting action. That's when the orange piece began to look like molten rock! After fusing a fabric or watercolor paper to the other side, I zigzagged around the edges about three times, changing thread colors on the orange piece.

I got my entries mailed in to MQX for the spring show, and will have to wait and see if either Something "Girly" or "Carolina Woodland Spring" gets juried in. My first attempts at a juried competition! If you plan to show a quilt at Machine Quilters Expo this year, the deadline for photo entries is January 15.


  1. Great postcards, Jeanne! You know how much I love dryer sheets!!!

  2. Your proliferation of projects never ceases to amaze me. You never stop creating -- one trait "absolute" of an artist -- and you ARE an artist! Hope all is going well for you today and this evening you have a safe trip back. Can't wait to read your blog about your journey -- as an art quilter - and a speaker!
