Saturday, January 26, 2008

Lilly Pulitzer fabric quilt, and change in lifestyle coming soon!

More progress on the Lilly Pulitzer fabric quilt- still unnamed. I got brave and cut the border into funky curves, then made a bias stripe binding. I have the binding hemmed on two sides and it is going pretty well. I think the diagonal look of the bias stripe adds to the style of this piece. Any naming ideas?
My current burst of trying to finish some projects stems partially from the fact that I applied for a teaching job at an elementary school only three miles from my home. I had not heard from them after a week, so decided that it probably was not to be. Then, I got a call from the principal yesterday at 4:00, offering me the position! It is teaching remedial reading and math to third grade students. Not special ed, but students at risk of failing the end-of-grade exams. Of course, I have mixed feelings about giving up my freedom of time, but I think I can handle anything for four months! I don't know when the start date will be, as Central Office can take two weeks to go through their bureaucracy. Two weeks ago I went over there to sign a release for my criminal background check. This after having worked for the school system as my only employer for twenty-four years. Oh, well!
DSH and I went to the movies last night, a rare event for us. We saw Will Smith in the sci-fi horror, I Am Legend. Grim! He was good, but I can't say I enjoyed it. Makes me want to go see a piece of fluff like 27 Dresses.


  1. The wavy border and striped binding make the perfect finish that that quilt - it's so cute!

  2. Hi Jeanne! Love the quilt and the border is great - what a neat idea for this couple, and thought their idea for their beach wedding was great, too! The only name I'm coming up with is "Lilly's Pad". You will think of something!

    Congrats on the teaching job! Good thing you haven't been sowing your wild oats since you retired, eh?
