Monday, October 15, 2007

Finding Quilting Inspiration in the Big Apple

Since becoming a serious quilter, I think I view the world from a different perspective... We got back yesterday afternoon from an awesome trip to New York. I took hundreds of pictures, but here are a few that may be of special interest to quilt artists.
There was a "Culture Fest" in Battery Square Park on Saturday- and I spotted this beauty. Maybe I'll visit it someday...
How about a medallion quilt based on this mosaic on the floor at the Waldorf? The smaller motifs surrounding the medallion look like quilt blocks to me...
For something slightly less intricate- how about this ceiling at the Waldorf bar? Could be an art quilt... Cathedral windows are a good inspiration for medallion quilts... My favorite medallion...the Imagine Mosaic at Strawberry Fields in Central Park.
I was a senior in high school when Lennon wrote this song...still a flower child? (freezing my buns off)
Well, I was not the only one in New York not wearing the de rigueur black outfit...
More next time...must go to the grocery store and buy yogurt and carrots, my dietary punishment for all the fine wining and dining of the past few days...

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