Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Counting our Blessings

You never know what life is going to throw at you. Sunday night my son called to say his apartment building was on fire, and that he and his wife had gotten out safely. Yesterday we went out to help. Their apartment did not burn up, but since they were on the ground floor, everything is soaked. We were able to get in yesterday afternoon and move everything out to a storage unit, but if they don't get it all cleaned soon, it will all mildew. Today they are talking to the insurance agent and looking for a new home. My heart breaks for the young people from the upper floors who lost everything to the fire. Fortunately, all the residents escaped safely. Here are some pictures I took yesterday.

On a much happier note, when we got home about 9:00, my other son and his family had arrived from South Carolina, so we got to feel a little joy again watching our beautiful grandchildren.

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