Thursday, July 26, 2007

My Star Dances is Done

All done! This little quilt is no longer a square! I followed Vikki's step-by-step instructions in Quilting by Improvisation to make a faux binding and envelope finish for the little guy. Basically, you draw the inner border shape that you like, cut freezer paper templates for each side, cut each border and turn under the edge that covers the quilt, and stitch down with invisible stitching. Then you draw the outer border shape on the quilt, baste it so you can see it from the other side, and sew on the backing fabric stitching just inside the basting line. Cut a slit to turn it inside out, seal up the slit with fusible tape, and cover it with the hanging sleeve. I am pretty happy with this first attempt, and will try this technique again, I'm sure!
Today is my baby's birthday...always my baby although he is about six-five and now twenty-six years old! Happy birthday, Dave! You have turned out pretty darn good!

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