Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Bonnie McCaffery Pod-casts

This morning I enjoyed spending some time on Bonnie McCaffery's website. She has been posting videos or podcasts of interviews with quilters and artists from around the world. I have found them to be very inspiring and done well- no shaky camera, audio drifting in and out of range. The latest vid-cast is with fiber artist Melinda Schwakhofer. Wow, she made me want to grab my Angelina fibers, beads, and wires, pen some lines of poetry, and create something fabulous! I have so many neat materials upstairs in my messy studio that I have never even tried, like Lutradur, Misty Fuse, and Lumiere paints. I better get going! By the way, I saw Bonnie once when I was in Richmond at the charming Quilting Adventures store. She was just coming in to teach a class on Portrait Quilts- another project I want to do some day! I have the book, the paints...

In case anyone wants to see the picture of the full quilt that I just finished for my sister-in-law Debbie, here is a picture. I added more to my Webshots site in the album 2007 Longarm Quilting. The quilt top was made by her late grandmother in the 1970's.

I also made the discovery that now Webshots is allowing the posting of videos! Great!

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