Thanks to my son Dave, also known as WufPirate on blogger, for making a new and improved top banner for All Things Quilty. The quilt picture is actually one block from my friend Carolyn's quilt named Cecilia, which I had the honor of quilting. It looks good up there, doesn't it!
This weekend was so gorgeous weather-wise. My grandchildren and both sons were here for the weekend. What a great time to sit out in the yard! Lily tried to navigate through the grass without putting her feet or knees down, and Avery methodically committed azalea murder. He also discovered the creek behind the house, so his new favorite thing besides deflowering my shrubs is throwing twigs in the creek.
I actually finished quilting the second of Debbie's grandmother's quilt tops- the one with all the puckers and pleats. I am pleased to say that it looks pretty darn good. It happily went into the washing machine the second I got it off the machine. Those old quilts pick up a lot of must and mildew after forty-some years in a plastic bag. I had a hard time deciding on a binding fabric, finally choosing something from my stash in a navy that gives a good contrast to the pale green sashing. Here are a couple pictures of the quilt, which I hope to finish binding this week.
Sure was nice!