Monday, March 5, 2007

Windy Wedding and Snowy Ride home

The weather was sunny and beautiful for my niece Rachel's wedding, but it was cool and windy. I sure was glad I had my new shawl! Everyone asked me how I made it, and Emily wants me to make one for her in browns, teals, and purples. Her birthday is in April, so maybe I should make it now while the technique is fresh in my mind.

Here is a picture of my father, my sister, my five brothers, my aunt Billie, and me at the wedding. It is not often that we are all together, especially with Jeff living in Florida.

The wedding was lovely, with natural greenery and wildflowers

adorning the altar and pews. Rachel married a young man of middle eastern descent, and his mother and sister were able to attend the wedding. The wedding was a traditional Southern Christian wedding, but at the reception there was a beautiful wedding cake with Arabic writing on the layers. It was translated as a verse from the Song of Solomon.

During the night, it started to snow, and the next day we rode home through a country mountain road while it was still snowing. I took a few pictures along the way. Of note to quilters: the arts council in Ashe County is decorating some of the barn walls with large painted quilt blocks! Here are two along the way:

The second picture was recently installed on the barn at the NC State University research farm, just below Big Peak Creek Road. That is near where we are building a mountain cabin. They must have heard I was coming!'

Beautiful scenery in the mountains of North Carolina!

These are buffalo lying down under a tree while it snowed.

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